Benefits of Hemp, Marijuana and its Cultural Values
Hemp seems to be the new revolution these days especially when people are getting aware of its benefits that have now triggered the medical, environmental and its economic value. Hemp has been known to human civilization earlier than eight thousand years in the ancient civilization of India, Nepal, and China. Back in those eras, it was a good source of fiber that could be turned into clothes, ropes, sacks and not limited to the materialistic use of the hemp that we see today. Besides the proper use of hemp for sustainable living that civilization even included Marijuana as a proper substance to heal spiritually although it was not practiced so openly living with the social norms. Marijuana that many nations considered a drug and prohibited its plantation or use of any form has its own benefits. In a Hindu tradition, the use of marijuana is taken as a gem especially by two different sects i.e. Ayurveda Science (Herbal Medications) and the Aghoris (Yogis). In Ayurveda Science, the ...